April 08, 2010

Results from the critiques of Sesenarts and Tatimaia

Wow!  What great comments you all gave!  It is now time to see the results our helpful comments...  Sesenart and Tatimaia have both paid close attention to our comments.  Let's see what happened, shall we?

Sesenart - Julie worked wonders with an item that was already wonderful!  You all know how we detest taking pictures again and again but this time... she got it SO right!

This is her 5th shot you can't get much better perspective than this! She added the dimensions to her description in inches AND centimeters.  She changed the name of her item to better describe the work. She nicely cropped her shots and discussed a frame in her description.  The new background truly sets off her piece too!  Way to go Julie!  (I nearly made this my desktop background so I could see it all the time!)

Tatimaia - Tati painstakenly wrote down each comment!  A bit of sad news for the Tatimaia Etsy shop however.  I think it's best said in her own words:

"Unfortunately I am going to close my Etsy shop. The good part is that I am moving to my own shop which I'm working on. I really love Etsy, especially the community. I am an artist, not a crafter, and need something more professional and easy for my customers. Sadly I can't keep both shops, because of time -"

Tati thought long and hard about her decision and feels that she can only properly maintain one online store.  She was SO appreciative of all our comments and critiques that she literally wrote down each suggestion.  She took a picture of that notebook and this is what you see for her "completed critique photo". 

Our efforts did not go to waste as she will apply all of our suggestions to her new store.  She's promised to give us a link to the new shop and I will post it for all of us to visit.  Tati we will miss you in labs for sure!  Come back often to see us OK?

Thank you both for participating in the first Double Critique!  It is obvious that you both spent a good amount of time working on your shops and it truly shows!  And thank each one of you wonderful followers for your excellent input!

The next two Critique Victi....er Volunteers are Yarnabees and artjewelry.  Come in soon and see what they are offering!

Until then...... Have a Wonderful!


  1. I would like to thank Karen for the opportunity to have my quilt critiqued on her blog. And thank you to those kind souls who gave such generous and instructive comments. I am looking forward to critiquing items of yours.
    Love Julie

  2. Wow! Love Julie's new photo!
    That's very, very cool!

    Thank you all for the amazing comments! And of course, thanks Karen! This is really much better than asking critiques on Etsy forums. I am learning so much with all tips!

    I am going to launch my new shop very soon!


  3. O_O' I'm on Treasure! http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=124916

  4. Congratulations Julie and Tati. The improvements are great. Karen - good work and love the double critique :0))))




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